My life recently 2

(1) In winter break, I went on a trip to Okinawa with my family. This trip was to celebrate junior high school graduation of my little brother. The most interesting memories in Okinawa is diving in Blue Grotto. It was amazing scenery and I moved by its beauty. (2) I belong to dance circle called SuperNova. It was planned to be held the dance performance in May. However it was canceled due to the spread of infection in Osaka. When I heard that I was depressed because we practiced dance a lot for the performance in winter break. Some day I want to dance with my team members again. -What I’m looking for to this semester- I moved from different Intensive English class, so I haven’t talked with everyone in this class. I would like to know more about this classmates. -My goals for this semester- This semester will be last English class for us. I hope to learn a lot in this class because I want to get good score in TOEIC. In addition, I want to ...